A 5,000 Year Tradition Enters the Digital Age

Turn your love into a legacy by creating a digital candle and on-line memorial in just minutes

How eTernalCandle Works

eTernalCandle is a Free platform that ignites humanity's need to share everlasting memories of loved ones while encouraging donations to improve the lives of others

Sign Up

Its free and easy


Create a personalized digital candle and online memorial

Donate (Optional)

If you choose, automatically connect to over 1.5 million charities, religious institutions and non-profits


Easily share your candle and memorial with family and friends via email and social media

How People Are Using eTernalCandle

Express your love and support in endless ways

Charities and Religious Organizations Engage Your Memberships Today

A small flame can ignite memories, bring people together
and help raise donations for your organization

Contact eTernalCandle